Christopher Salis Talks School Security

Robin H. Milton
3 min readJul 12, 2024


It’s been while now that Christopher Salis has left SAP. But where is he now? Well, he is part of a foundation now and focuses on charity work. Secure Our Schools Foundation.

The mission of the foundation is to help teachers and staff of the schools in the United States to respond to school violence and emergencies so that precious lives are saved on time.

Today, Christopher talks about the school security crises. He dials in on what’s going on and what can be done. Let’s hear it from him.

What Are the Major School Security Challenges We Currently Face?

Schools are inherently vulnerable environments, with open access for students, teachers, and staff. Public schools often rely on city-provided security, but many smaller schools do not receive support from a School Resource Officer (SRO).

Security in private schools is frequently even less adequate. The psychological effects of school attacks and the subsequent “copycat” incidents compound these vulnerabilities, creating a significant threat to school safety.

What Practical Measures Can Be Taken to Enhance Student Safety and Make Schools More Secure?

Effective security relies on three main components:

· People

· Technology

· Procedures

The technological aspect includes building and security systems like access control, perimeter fencing, and surveillance cameras.

Improving school security requires active participation from students, teachers, staff, and parents. They should:

· Report any threats to the authorities.

· Stay vigilant and aware of potential dangers.

· Receive support from local authorities and school administrators.

· Conduct threat assessments to identify and address potential hazards in school facilities.

· Provide training in threat mitigation and response for school administrators and staff.

What Measures Can Schools Implement to Enhance Security Through Policy and Administrative Actions?

Christopher recommends the following steps:

· Conduct a Risk Assessment: Evaluate potential threats and vulnerabilities within the school environment.

· Form a Threat Assessment Team: Assemble a group responsible for conducting the risk assessment, ensuring thoroughness, and acquiring necessary resources to mitigate identified risks.

· Educate the Community: Inform students, staff, and parents about recognizing potential threats, the appropriate actions to take if a threat is detected, and the proper channels for reporting it.

· Collaborate with Law Enforcement: Establish a connection with local law enforcement agencies and forward relevant leads to them as needed.

· Promote “See Something, Say Something”: Encourage a culture where everyone feels responsible for reporting suspicious activities or threats.

· Conduct Safety Drills: In addition to regular fire drills, practice emergency response procedures for various potential threats to ensure preparedness.

Any Final Thoughts or Additional Comments on Security in General?

Christopher says that some individuals in our society assert that owning a gun is a fundamental right and that anyone who desires one should be able to obtain it.

In countries with different attitudes towards guns, overall violence and school violence are significantly lower compared to the United States.

If we are unwilling to address these differences and reconsider our stance on gun ownership, we must take measures to protect our most vulnerable locations: schools, hospitals, shopping malls, and theaters.

Implementing such measures will be costly, not only financially but also in terms of lifestyle changes. Daily life will involve security screenings similar to those at airports, government buildings, and courts.

Regrettably, this is the compromise we must accept to ensure safety in our educational institutions, workplaces, shopping centers, and entertainment venues.

Learn More About Christopher Salis



Robin H. Milton
Robin H. Milton

Written by Robin H. Milton

Robin Milton after being a part of the marketing industry for several years, he took the opportunity to pursue blogging full time.

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